For fly-through animations ( animations where only the camera is moving) it is best to use Irradiance Map in Incremental add to current map mode with Light Cache in Fly-through mode for interior scenes.

For exterior just use the Irradiance Map in Incremental add to current map mode along with Brute Force. For more information check this tutorial.

For rendering animations with moving objects it is best to separate the rendering in two passes. In the first you will calculate just the GI and save an irradiance map for each frame. You would either use the Light Cache in Single frame mode or Brute force depending on the scene type (interior/exterior) for secondary bounce. For Primary Bounce you will use the Irradiance Map in Animarion(prepass) mode. It is advisable to use higher settings for the Irradiance Map. For example a High Preset and a big enough number for the Hemispheric Subdivisions. Sometimes the default value of 50 is not enough and you may need to increase it quite a lot. Once you have calculated the Irradiance maps in the first pass you would switch the Irradiance Map mode to Animation(rendering) and put the Secondary Bounce to none. You can also decrease the Interpolation Sampled because V-Ray will be using several Irradiance Maps for each frame and in doesn't need to use so many interpolation samples.